The days down south

Tuesday morning. Time to leave Kvorning and head down to Kruså to spend the next few days with Rooster Streaming. Of course I am sad to be leaving Viking Streaming and nervous about meeting new people. On the way down, a Burger King was a must. Didn’t want to arrive on an empty stomach.

I arrived at Frank’s house and was immediately made to feel welcome.

Saying goodbye to Thomas was difficult be had to be done. Here’s to the second half of my adventure.

Frank took me around the local area, showed me the trucking industry that was around Padborg. I was fascinated to see the German border but was disappointed to find that due to COVID restrictions, I wasn’t allowed to cross the border as Germany sees the UK has high risk. We then travelled the small trip to Kollund where I was able to see Flensburg, Germany over the water. Being from the UK this is a strange thing to see as we do not border with any other international country there. I then went to Sonderhav where I was able to see the islands there. One of which I hear was for sale. Imagine, an entire island to yourself. We then headed back to the house where I was treated to a traditional Danish meal. Pork meat with a Danish brown sauce with sides and dressings. It was absolutely delicious and nothing like we would get at home.

Wednesday we travelled over to the west coast of Denmark. My first observation, what a windy place. We headed over a dam road to the island of Rømø. The place was absolutely beautiful. I visited what has to be the biggest beach I have ever seen, Lakolk Strand. The beach went on for as far as the eye could see in all directions. I was then treated to a Danish hot dog. Better than the boring ones of the UK. It contained a lot more ingredients and was full of flavour.

Back on the mainland I visited a town called Ballum. The town was beautiful, it was like no other I had ever seen before and had a very sad history. You can find out more about Ballum here.

We then payed a visit to Trøjborg Slotsruin. My favourite place of the entire trip. It was a place that once again had a sad history. It was burned down 3 times. Information on this landmark can be found here.

Trøjborg Slotsruin

We then took a drive through the city of Møgeltønder which was a traditional city. I managed to get a glimpse of the castle that is the home of Prince Joachim of Denmark. The town looked like something out of a post card. We headed back to the house where we retired for the evening.

Today was one of those days, a lazy day, a day to rest before tomorrow which is going to be a horrendous journey home due to airline changes. Ripping down Frank’s streaming setup and PC and making some upgrades and modifications. I proper geek day, just up my street. I was treated to a traditional danish dinner, one that would be served on Christmas day. There was so much food and a massive variety of foods from Herring, Pate, Meats, Vegetables etc. It’s a meal I won’t forget in a hurry.

The Last Supper

I want to at this point to thank Frank and family for hosting me for the second half of my trip and for the delicious meals I have had here. I would also once again like to thank Thomas and family for hosting me for the first part of the week. Thank you Thomas and Frank for taking me around Denmark and showing me your beautiful country. It’s a trip I will never forget and I hope some day I can visit again.